Photo above by Shandro Photo

Feel inspired but don't know where to start?

We are proud of partner up with some incredible organizations who are looking for photographers like you to donate their time, talent and skill to their cause. Get in touch with them to see how you can give back. (make sure you mention The Giving Salon!)


Photographers without borders

PWB's Mission: "Connecting volunteer photographers and videographers to over grassroots initiatives and nonprofits every year as part of our flagship PWB Program. These nonprofits and initiatives must be grassroots; they must be in need; and they must be addressing the interconnected problems we face on this planet as outlined by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through their stories, we urge the world to see through a new lens."


Magic hour

Magic Hour's Mission: "We are a national network of professional photographers who look to serve individuals and families fighting cancer. We do this by coordinating a photo session to celebrate the truly important things in life through photography. These charitable portrait sessions provide an opportunity for families to feel special and strong while they relax, smile and enjoy time with loved ones. Above all, we strive to express compassion and love as we support them, no matter the outcome of their battle."



i DO community  

"A community of people that have the want and the will to do something more... A place where members of the online community can give their time, skills and profile to actively support, raise funds and/or create awareness for various projects and causes.  We want to use this network.. a huge community of such warm hearted people.. with skills and influence.. to raise money, raise awareness and hopefully make some positive changes..."



"NILMDTS offers the gift of healing, hope and honor to parents experiencing the death of a baby through the overwhelming power of remembrance portraits. Professional-level photographers volunteer their time to conduct an intimate portrait session, capturing the only moments parents spend with their babies. Parents are gifted with delicately retouched heirloom black and white portraits free of charge.

These priceless images serve as an important step in the healing recovery for bereaved families. NILMDTS remembrance photography validates the existence and presence of these precious babies by honoring their legacy."